Student dies after shooting at Baltimore high school


Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police President Clyde Boatwright made the following comment on the evening of a shooting at Mervo High School where a student was killed as he was leaving the building at the end of the school day. Boatwright is a Sergeant with the Baltimore City School Police Force.

“We are all hurting right now for the family, for the students, for the teachers and staff, and for our officers who build tremendous relationships beyond the badge with these students.

“Due to the fact that the murder happened after the students were released from school, our officers had their own weapons and were immediately at the scene. They were able to retrieve the murder weapon and apprehend the suspect, all while rendering aid and providing life-saving support to the student who was shot.

“It’s because of the swift actions of these school police officers, we hope the family of the slain student will receive justice.

“As we speak to higher powers tonight, please remember in your prayers all of those involved, including the victim’s family, friends and classmates, staff and teachers, as well as the officers.”

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